(股市的)牛市,看涨行情,多头市场 A bull market is a situation on the stock market when people are buying a lot of shares because they expect that the shares will increase in value and that they will be able to make a profit by selling them again after a short time.
Individual stocks can rise in a bear market and fall in a bull market. 即使是熊市也有股票上涨,牛市也有股票下跌。
So official Beijing mouthpiece Xinhua has said that financial reforms and easing measures would keep the bull market going. 所以,官方喉舌新华社表示,金融改革和宽松政策将推动牛市走下去。
Then they presided over, and benefited from, the longest bull market in securities in history. 然后,他们主导了证券史上最长的牛市,这场牛市也令他们受益匪浅。
The reason is clear. US-listed entities have been left behind while a bull market rages in China. 原因显而易见。在中国牛市背景下,在美国上市的股票被甩在了身后。
Many equity investors sold all their holdings out of fear and missed the bull market of2009. 因为恐惧,许多证券投资者把自己持有的所有股份统统抛售,以致错过了09年的牛市。
Criticism: China's stock market to the property market bubble is not broken big bull market? 批驳:楼市泡沫不破中国股市难现大牛市?
A big difference between this bull market and the last is the penetration of the internet and mobile telephony. 这次牛市与上次的一个很大的区别就在于互联网和移动技术的介入。
Bull market a rising market. 牛市,多头市场指价格上升的市场。
By that time, A-share market's bull market will be big wave began to rise. 到那时,A股市场的一波大牛市也将随之而起。
The last element for an equity bull market is already in place: a source of new cash. 股票牛市所需的最后一个因素已经到位:新资金来源。
If one is invested, then it is a bull market. 如果你对它有所投资,那它就是个牛市。
No evil in the bull market in stocks, will seriously damage the interests of holders of the old. 在牛市中不捂股,也会严重损害老持有人的利益。
The bull market should make life sweet for securities analysts& at times, too sweet. 在牛市中,证券分析师的生活很美好,但有时候,简直是太美好了。
In a huge bull market they wind up with piddling profits, only to watch their former holdings soar. 在巨大的上涨行情中,他们以小的利益抛售目前持有的飞涨的股票。
Also lurking in the background is the fact that the current bull market has already run for two years. 同时,目前还潜藏着一个事实:本轮牛市已持续了两年时间。
Hardly the hallmark of a dawning bull market. 这很难算得上是牛市曙光初现的标志。
If you did get in, it is a bull market. 如果你进去了,它就是牛市。
Then, strong management and save the market be able to make A shares to the bull market weight? 然后,强大的管理和保存的市场能够使A股市场的牛市的重量?
But in a bull market, people will invest relatively irrationally. 但在牛市行情中,人们的投资相对不理性。
Bear market offer the buying opportunity, while bull market vindicate his bear market investments with big profits. 熊市提供了买进的机会,牛市是用巨大的收获来证明他在的熊市时的投资(的正确性)。
When share prices are on the rise, it is known as the bull market. 当股价向上升时,那是牛市。
Those peaks formed a straight downward slope, which typified the bull market in bonds. 这些波峰构成了一个径直下降的斜线,代表着债券的牛市。
A bull market needs to be fed every day, a bear market only once a week. 牛市需要每天为它提供给养;熊市只需要一个星期为它提供一次给养。
The primary drivers of this new bull market in commodities are monetary debasement and supply and demand fundamentals. 这轮商品市场牛市的主要驱动力是货币的贬值和供求的基础关系。
Will the 30-year bull market in bonds come to an end? 债券市场持续30年的牛市会不会终结?
Large stocks, particularly in the technology sector, led the great bull market that ended in March 2000. 在2000年3月结束的大牛市中,大盘股特别是科技领域的大盘股扮演了领军角色。
Global financial markets look suspiciously like a pyramid game in this bull market. 全球金融市场在这次牛市中看起来是玩了一个叠罗汉的游戏。
But I certainly don't think we are at the beginning of a big bull market worldwide. 但是,我绝不会认为:我们现在已经身处一个全球范围内的大牛市当中。